Watermelon Foodie White,
the + crunch.

Watermelon Foodie Black,
the + sweet.

Watermelon Foodie. It is joy, freshness, sweetness and fun. An appetizing and slightly crazy explosion, very refreshing and passionate. Watermelon Foodie is a vigorous smoothie, a cocktail of emotions for foodie palates.

The fruit of gastronomic pleasures that fills the family with health and smiles. Do you have an exploring soul? Explore Watermelon Foodie and discover the Foodie White and the Foodie Black, two watermelons, two skins and two emotions.

We produce this fruit in Spain, Brazil and Senegal.

Hello dear compatriot!

Am Pepe, scribe of a wealthy and capricious nobleman from La Mancha who was born in Illescas, Toledo, in 1751, on the threshold of a humble family. For reasons unknown to me, I woke up in 21st century Spain, where I am discovering what life is like in this era.

Will you join me to discover this Spain of sun, tourism, refrigerator and TikTok? 😊

In the Signature Stoves (The sweetest countertop) Every week we discover original recipes, tricks and combinations with Foodie Watermelon and also with Signature Melon. You will be surprised by the amount of culinary resources that these two delicious fruits offer us, which are also a perfect dietary supplement, balanced and with many contributions to a healthy diet.

Do you want to say yours? Contact us if you want to contribute ideas, give your opinion about Watermelon Foodie or ask us where to buy it; Surely a nearby supermarket or fruit store is waiting for you.

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We don't stop on the networks, we share everything we like and many tips for a healthy life and a happy palate, follow us and let's enjoy this delicious path together.

You can see us on Instagram, Facebook, and for 'the most serious people', we are also on LinkedIn

Miini Foodie para todos.#SandíaFoodie #Sandía #VidaSaludable #Fruta #ComunidadValenciana
Apoyamos a nuestra tierra. En respuesta al temporal DANA y las recientes inundaciones que han afectado a Valencia y sus alrededores, en nombre Sandía Foodie nos unimos para brindar ayuda humanitaria a quienes más lo necesitan.#Solidaridad #FuerzaValencia #ApoyoHumanitario #EstamosConVosotros #DANA #JuntosPorNuestraTierra
Apoyamos a nuestra tierra. En respuesta al temporal DANA y las recientes inundaciones que han afectado a Valencia y sus alrededores, en nombre Melón de Autor nos unimos para brindar ayuda humanitaria a quienes más lo necesitan.#Solidaridad #FuerzaValencia #ApoyoHumanitario #EstamosConVosotros #DANA #JuntosPorNuestraTierra
Más que nunca Comunitat Valenciana.
Más que nunca Comunitat Valenciana.
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Who is behind all this? Don't worry, they don't bite, unless it's fruit 😊. They are Jordi and Miquel, people of the land, carriers of fruit, health and smiles that have been reaching the tables of half of Europe for years from the fields of Valencia, Almería, Murcia, Albacete, Ciudad Real, Tarragona or Huelva.

Who is behind all this? Don't worry, they don't bite, unless it's fruit 😊. They are Jordi and Miquel, people of the land, carriers of fruit, health and smiles that have been reaching the tables of half of Europe for years from the fields of Valencia, Almería, Murcia, Albacete, Ciudad Real, Tarragona or Huelva.