Author Group against climate change 

Climate change is a problem that affects us more every day in all aspects. Global warming is related to the accumulation of different gases within the Earth's atmosphere. Currently, this process has accelerated exponentially due to deforestation, CO₂ emissions and the destruction of ecosystems, among other causes. 

The agriculture sector is one of those that is suffering the most from the consequences of climate change. They are closely related and connected to each other, since their effects contribute negatively to the crop, the soil and the waste of products due to contrasts, temperature changes, drought or floods. This generates considerable losses in agricultural productivity and crops. Therefore, the ideal balance must be sought between the two to minimize the effects of C02 and greenhouse gases to improve the effects on agriculture. 

Climate change affects agriculture, reducing the most fragile biological diversity, imbalance in regional production, advance of pests and diseases in areas where they did not exist, among others. 

Adapting effective and sustainable practices in planting systems, crops and agricultural production in general can be a great help to combat the negative effects of climate change. 

In Author Group We know the importance of raising awareness and implementing measures that positively affect the environment, choosing to use production techniques and processes that are as responsible as possible. All the group's brands are focused on managing waste appropriately so that it can be converted into reusable resources and maximize the sustainability of the planet. 

