Progresmami launches a campaign on the Galician Television channel for the second consecutive year

Progresmami, is a company dedicated to production, classification, transformation and distribution of fruit and derivatives thereof. They mainly focus on marketing their two star products: Signature Melon and Watermelon Foodie. Soon, the brand will launch its new advertising campaign on the Galician Television under the motto “Watermelon Foodie and Signature Melon to cool you down now that it's getting hot.” The 10-second ad, produced by Romeu Prenafeta, presents the three products that the brand wants to make known: Watermelon Foodie White, the + crunch; Foodie Black Watermelon, the sweetest and Signature Melon. This spot will be visible during the coming summer months, sponsoring the time slot on the TV channel. Galician Television. The main objective of this campaign is to reinforce its image and publicize Premium products in national television campaigns.

Previously, during the 2020, the brand launched another advertising campaign on the same television channel, which took place during the summer months and the previous Christmas period. Additionally, during the weekend of April 24 and 25, 2021, the two brands appeared on the television program Socialite presented by Maria Patino, issued in Telecinco.

Being able to broadcast advertisements on television makes it possible for many viewers to know the brand, opening the doors to new fronts. 



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