Author Group becomes the first brand in the fruit and vegetable sector to receive the Zero Waste label, with the premium product Signature Melon. This is the path that the company has been taking for some time, with the ultimate goal that all production is done under these Zero Waste standards. Thanks to the interest of the brand and society to produce and consume more sustainable products, Grupo Autor sells Melón de Autor with the Zero Waste label, which can be purchased in some Spanish supermarkets.
All the sacrifices and resources allocated to R&D have ensured that the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR) has recognized Grupo Autor as an organization that invests in waste management, maximizes waste prevention and recovery actions. Furthermore, in the near future, Grupo Autor intends to extend these actions in all its product lines such as Watermelon Foodie, Le Petit Autor and TropFruits.
One of the most complicated environmental challenges that we, both people and companies, currently face is waste reduction. At Grupo Autor they are very aware of this and for this reason, all their brands are focused on managing waste appropriately so that they can be converted into reusable resources and maximize the sustainability of the planet. At this point, the Melón de Autor brand is key, as it offers a product free of chemicals and pesticides.
For all this, Auto Groupr wants to thank all the people who are part of the project and who have made it possible to have the Zero Waste label. As well as thank their customers, who know that by purchasing a product from the brand they not only enjoy a premium fruit with high standards that quality, but they also contribute to preservation of the environment.