From the hand of two entrepreneurs who love the land, Jordi and Miquel, the PROGRESMAMI project was born. From the beginning they worked to achieve the total quality of their products, to offer the market a Premium product capable of satisfying the most demanding palates. They specialize in marketing Signature Melon and Watermelon Foodie, its two star products. During the last year, studying the possible variables, they decided to diversify the product in order to reach a broader audience.
In 2020 it is born 'The Petit Author', a high-quality, small-format Piel de Sapo melon variant. It is a small melon that means convenience in purchasing, storage and even savings since the piece is smaller and therefore weighs less. Le Petit Autor is the result of the sum of previous advantages and the priority of preserving the quality of the melon. Weighing between 1.3 and 1.9 kilos, it becomes a product of excellent character that is very successful in both the national and international markets. It is mainly grown in Spain, Brazil and Senegal.
During this year 2021, the brand has not been left behind and has innovated with a new variety of watermelon: Watermelon Foodie White, the + Crunch. This new variety of striped watermelon is characterized by being very crunchy, sweet and seedless. From the hand of Watermelon Foodie Black, the sweetest, are two excellent products, full of flavor and freshness. Its production takes place mainly in Spain, Brazil and Senegal.
Marketing new varieties of fruit helps the brand to have a broader range of products, thus reaching a larger audience. This initiative to grow new varieties of both watermelon and melon helps them improve and position themselves in the fruit and vegetable sector.