Author Group, is a project that was born in 2015 by Jordi and Miquel, two entrepreneurs who love the land. In the beginning, they decided to work on different agricultural projects in Brazil, to nourish themselves and learn everything necessary about the horticultural sector. Finally, after several years they decided to return to Spain to organize and manage melon and watermelon farms.
Today, Grupo Autor is the producer and marketer of melon and watermelon with the greatest penetration in the Spanish market. From the first moment, they opted to achieve the total quality of their products. To achieve this, they have worked vigorously on two fundamental aspects: offering a premium product and one effective and efficient logistics.
One of the main objectives is to obtain a reliable Premium product capable of satisfying the most demanding palates and at the same time guarantee a high quality product in fruit stores and supermarkets. It is essential for the organization to have effective logistics, since product delivery times have to be carefully treated. In this way, it is ensured that the times are adequate for both the market and the distributors.
Thanks to competent and harmonious work, the brand has achieved very high levels of reliability, a fact that has allowed them to gain the trust of several supermarket chains. They currently have distribution centers in Valencia, Almería and La Mancha, which allow them to be closer to the final destination of the products.
In addition, many EU countries, and also the United Kingdom, have their products on the shelves of the main supermarket and fruit store chains, quality standards, which show that Grupo Autor is a reliable and priority partner for the retail sector in feeding.
The products that lead the project are Signature Melon, with its small melon variable The Petit Author, and Watermelon Foodie, with its variants Foodie Black and Foodie White. However, Grupo Autor also offers the market a quality product without the Premium designation, under the Tropfruits brand, to satisfy any market demand.
Grupo Autor is a consolidated brand that, thanks to the continuous innovation and dedication of its workers, has managed to position itself satisfactorily in the fruit and vegetable sector.